UNISDR24 April 2014: The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific launched the Pacific Innovation and Leadership Award for Resilience (PILAR), coinciding with the approaching 10th anniversary of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) and in advance of a HFA successor agreement and post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR) to be endorsed in Japan in 2015.

The PILAR recognizes and promotes innovation, good practice, leadership and actions taken by individuals, businesses, communities, governments and/or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to build community and national resilience through DRR measures. The award covers, inter alia, awareness raising, knowledge sharing, community engagement, policy interventions and other resilience-building activities, and innovative initiatives with broad impacts that are the first of their kind will be given special attention.

UNISDR notes that many opportunities for innovation and ingenuity have emerged from all sectors of society to reduce the impacts of disasters and ensure long-term sustainability, despite the vulnerabilities faced in the region. Timothy Wilcox, UNISDR’s Sub-Regional Coordinator for the Pacific, explained that “Many communities and countries are already well versed in disaster preparedness and the Pacific has shown great leadership in reducing the effect of natural hazards.” As examples, he cited the relocation of villages to higher ground to avoid continuous flooding, and business investment in DRR measures. He said these innovations would be highlighted and the awards presented at the forthcoming 2014 Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management to be held in Suva, Fiji, from 2-4 June 2014. [UNISDR Press Release] [UNISDR Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific]