European Union16 April 2014: The European Parliament has voted in favor of an Invasive Alien Species (IAS) law for the EU, which will aim to halt the introduction and spread of IAS, especially insects.

The law will also focus on limiting the ecological and economic damage caused by IAS, which is estimated at €12 billion per year. With cooperation highlighted, the legislation will call on EU Member States to coordinate their efforts through a ban on species of concern for the EU. It will also require Member States to develop surveillance systems and action plans.

According to the European Commission, “Alien species invasions in Europe are expected to further increase as a result of the rising volume and extent of trade and travel, which will see more species transported around the globe.” The development of regulations to control IAS draws on the EU’s Resource Efficiency Roadmap and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.

Having won approval in the European Parliament, the legislation must also be approved by the EU Council of Ministers. [Forest Europe News] [IAS Legislation] [European Commission 2013 Press Release]