Coral Triangle Initiative28 April 2014: The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) has reported on progress with regard to regional cooperation on ecosystem-based management and the conservation of marine protected areas (MPAs) throughout April. CTI-CFF activities have included a regional workshop on seascapes and a review of MPAs nominated for admission to the Coral Triangle MPA System (CTMPAS), which aims to promote connected, resilient and sustainably financed MPAs that conserve biodiversity and generate food and income for coastal communities.

Participants at the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI-CFF) Regional Exchange on Seascapes agreed to advance the development of a seascapes model throughout the Coral Triangle. The regional workshop offered participants an opportunity to share how integrated ecosystem-based management of oceans and coastal areas has been used in CTI-CFF countries and to discuss further implementation of such an approach. In addition, participants in the Seascapes Working Group agreed to finalize the seascape model in time for the next regular Senior Officials meeting.

Participants also discussed how to engage multiple actors and sectors, using a guide developed by the US Coral Triangle Support Program (CTSP). ‘Towards Ecosystem-based Coastal Areas and Fisheries Management in the Coral Triangle: Integrated Strategies and Guidance,’ commonly referred to as the ‘Integration Guide,’ discusses integrated implementation of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action’s five thematic areas.

Also during April, an advisory committee began reviewing 13 MPAs that were nominated for admission to CTMPAS. The committee will assess whether the sites qualify for admission as priority development sites (Category Three) or flagship sites (Category Four) and will submit their recommendation to the CTI-CFF MPA Technical Working Group. The Working Group will then announce the status of nominations at the formal launch of CTMPAS.

The CTMPAS launch will take place on the sidelines of the World Coral Reef Conference in Manado, Indonesia, in May 2014, as part of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action for 2010-2020.

The Australian government and Conservation International (CI) organized the workshop, which took place from 8-10 April in Manila, the Philippines. [CTI Press Release on Workshop] [CTI Press Release on MPAs] [Publication: Towards Ecosystem-based Coastal Areas and Fisheries Management in the Coral Triangle: Integrated Strategies and Guidance]