CBD6 May 2014: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has released the results and a preliminary analysis of a survey to assess the state of implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

As of February 2014, 109 of the Protocol’s 166 Parties had responded to the survey (66%), with significantly lower participation from least developed countries (LDCs) (50%), the Asia Pacific Region (54%) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) (61%).

The document provides a detailed account of the survey responses. In addition, a preliminary analysis highlights the following trends: 23 Parties (14% of all Protocol Parties) report lacking an operational biosafety framework; 66 Parties (39%) report lacking predictable and reliable funding for capacity building for implementation; another 66 Parties (39%) report they have never conducted a risk assessment of a living modified organism (LMO); 27 Parties (16%) report lacking the capacity to identify, assess or monitor LMOs or specific traits; 49 Parties (29%) report lacking the capacity to take appropriate measures in cases of unintentional LMO release; 29 Parties (17%) report not having informed the public about their modalities for public participation in LMO decisions; and 60 Parties (36%) report not having implemented measures for biosafety awareness and outreach.

The survey will feed into the third Assessment and Review of the Protocol’s implementation and the mid-term evaluation of the Protocol’s Strategic Plan 2011-2020. A more detailed analysis will be prepared for consideration by the seventh Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties of the Protocol (COP-MOP 7) to be held 29 September to 3 October 2014 in Pyeongchang, the Republic of Korea.[CBD Notification][Survey Results][Review of the Survey Results]