kenya-china10 May 2014: The Governments of Kenya and China have signed fifteen agreements and memoranda of understanding to enhance bilateral cooperation on the environment, agriculture, health, transport, culture and investment. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang witnessed the agreement signings in Nairobi, Kenya, on 10 May 2014.

Four of the fifteen agreements deal directly with agriculture and environment, specifically: the provision of materials for wild animal protection; agricultural cooperation; forestry and ecological conservation; and crop molecular biology research. Five are general agreements in regard to grants, loans, investment and other economic arrangements, and four are related to infrastructure and transport, including the provision of Chinese support for electrification and dam construction in Kenya. The remaining two agreements are related to health and the creation of a cultural center. [Kenyan Office of the President Press Release] [Signed Agreements between Kenya and China]