CCAFS-IFPRI19 May 2014: Men and women in Kenya and Uganda are adapting to climate change at different speeds, according to preliminary findings presented by researchers at a workshop organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

The event, titled ‘What’s the Fuss about Gender? Workshop on exploring new evidence and implications for policy and development,’ showcased research on gender in the context of climate change.

Male farmers adopt climate change strategies more quickly than women in Nyando, Kenya, and Rakai, Uganda, according to a study presented at the workshop. In addition, men were more aware of different climate change strategies than women. The researchers attribute these varying adaptation rates to differences in how and where men and women get their information. Women tend to rely on traditional sources and listen to radio programmes for information, while men get information from their neighbors. Limited information on climate change from government extension offices, farm organizations or non-government organizations (NGOs) contributes to these differences, according to the researchers.

The research also shows that climate change has changed the roles of men and women in their households. Men are spending longer periods of time in the fields and looking for water and fodder crops during the dry period and women are working longer hours in their households. To help women adapt to climate change, researchers recommended empowering women to make decisions and scaling up livelihood diversification, information sharing and risk management.

Presentations and panel discussions also took place on: climate change and collective action; gender and climate-smart agriculture (CSA); and the role of governments and NGOs in addressing gender and climate change. Working groups reflected on the implications of research results for agriculture and gender research, policies and programming and discussed research gaps on gender and climate change.

The workshop took place at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in Nairobi, Kenya, on 14 May. [Workshop Website] [CCAFS Blog on Farmer Access to Information] [CCAFS Blog on Gender Roles] [IFPRI Women and Climate Website]