emgMay 2014: The UN Environment Management Group (EMG) has established an Issue Management Group (IMG) on the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste. The IMG aims to provide coherent system-wide support to the work of achieving the sound management of chemicals and waste, to position the issue as a vital element underpinning both sustainable development and the green economy.

According to EMG, the IMG was established in response to both the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) outcome and decisions of various intergovernmental processes including chemicals and wastes multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), calling for a more systematic approach for cooperation and coordination in the implementation of chemicals-related agreements and instruments. The IMG will build on the work of the Inter-Organization Programme For The Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC).

The IMG has been tasked with providing a system-wide input to the achievement of the World Summit of Sustainable Development (WSSD) 2020 goal on chemicals, as well as supporting the intergovernmental process on negotiations of the post 2015 outcome document.

EMG is a UN system-wide coordination body on environment and human settlements. It consists of UN specialized agencies, programmes and organs including MEA secretariats, and is chaired by the Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). [IMG Webpage]