africawaterweek31 May 2014: The General Assembly of the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) agreed on a Dakar Declaration at the fifth African Water Week (AWW). The Declaration recommends a goal on “Water Security and Sanitation” in the post-2015 development agenda, underscoring that the “integrated delivery of the two are a prerequisite for sustainable socio-economic development and the achievement of total health outcomes.”

The Declaration proposes that a goal on “Water Security and Sanitation” be supported by targets addressing five themes: water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); water resources management; wastewater management and water quality management; water and disaster risk management; and water governance. These first four themes composed AWW’s four sub-themes.

The Declaration, inter alia: underscores the need for urgent attention to address the unfinished business of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on water and sanitation in the post-2015 agenda; commits to elevate “Water Security and Sanitation for Growth in Africa” as AMCOW’s strategic focus up to 2025; and calls for tackling Africa’s infrastructure deficit.

In the Declaration, Ministers also commit to: addressing financing issues, including through mobilizing domestic resources and replenishing AMCOW’s Africa Water Facility and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative; and monitoring and reporting on actions. Ministers further call for retaining AMCOW as a Specialized Technical Committee in the African Union (AU).

AWW brought together over 1000 participants from across Africa, including governments, international and regional institutions, civil society, the private sector, the scientific community and other stakeholders, who discussed and identified solutions to Africa’s water and sanitation challenges. Participants convened in five plenaries, 20 parallel technical sessions, four parallel stakeholders fora and 28 side events.

AMCOW and the AU Commission (AUC) organized AWW, which took place under the theme, ‘Placing water at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.’ AWW convened from 26-31 May 2014, in Dakar, Senegal. The annual week aims to build momentum on achieving the MDG water and sanitation targets and the 2025 Africa Water Vision. [AWW Website] [Dakar Declaration] [GWP Press Release] [Nile Basin Press Release] [Sanitation and Water for All Press Release]