EU flag6 June 2014: The European Commission has launched a consultation to engage the views of citizens, public authorities, businesses and non-governmental organizations on a future ‘No Net Loss’ objective for the EU.

The initiative would require all planned developments that impact biodiversity to adhere to a strict “mitigation hierarchy” that gives priority to biodiversity conservation, minimizes unavoidable damage to biodiversity, and offsets residual adverse impacts, according to the EU. The initiative aims to fill gaps in EU legislation and policies, especially with regard to biodiversity outside of protected Natura 2000 areas.

France and Germany, already have a ‘No Net Loss’ objective incorporated in their legislation. The EU consultation seeks views on: policy development and instruments; avoiding impacts; compensation; scope; drivers; and challenges related to offsetting. The consultation will be online until 26 September 2014. [EU Press Release] [Consultation]