UNFCCCJune 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released its 2013 report on the ‘Lighthouse Activities’ selected by its Momentum for Change initiative to showcase game-changing climate change actions. The 17 activities selected are making progress in three focus areas: Urban Poor; Women for Results; and Financing for Climate Friendly Investment.

The Momentum for Change’s Advisory Panel received a record 252 submissions for the 2013 iteration of the initiative. The 17 winners include projects on: innovative sanitation and hygiene in Liberia; building flood resilience in India; women’s leadership on addressing extreme weather in Bangladesh; women-led efforts on bamboo bicycles in Ghana; tree-planting in South Africa; financing for sustainable housing in Mexico; and leasing arrangements for solar farms by a company called Redavia.

An interactive website summarizing the 2013 Lighthouse Activities has been created to allow users to explore their impacts. In combination with the report release, Momentum for Change launched a podcast series that features interviews with representatives from the Lighthouse Activities. The series will introduce a new podcast on a bi-monthly basis.

In addition, the Secretariat has announced that next year’s Lighthouse Activities will include a focus area on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions.

Momentum for Change is an initiative of the UNFCCC Secretariat established in 2011 that aims at inspiring and catalyzing accelerated action on climate change by giving visibility to climate actions that are already achieving a tangible impact on the ground. [Publication: Momentum for Change Annual Report 2013] [Momentum for Change 2013 Annual Report – Interactive Summary] [Momentum for Change Podcast] [Momentum for Change Website]