owg1320 June 2014: At the 12th session of the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which convened from 16-20 June 2014, in New York, US, delegates worked primarily in informal sessions and considered proposed Goals 7-17. Discussion on proposed Goals 1-6 had taken place in “informal-informal” consultations from 9-11 June.

The OWG Co-Chairs – Macharia Kamau, Permanent Representative of Kenya, and Csaba Kőrösi, Permanent Representative of Hungary – also presented a revised set of 15 proposed goals, based on the informal-informal discussions, for comment, as well as a new proposal for Goal 1.

In a concluding, formal session of OWG 12, on 20 June, Kamau announced that there would be another set of “informal-informals” from 9-11 July, to be followed by the final meeting of the OWG from 14-18 July. He requested that delegates from capitals attend the informal-informals ahead of OWG 13, to ensure that there are eight more working days with the needed representatives in the room.

Kamau said an updated version of the zero draft will be issued on 30 June, and that it will have fewer targets and will be a more refined, balanced and “tighter” document. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [IISD RS Story on Informal-Informals]