UNESCO19 June 2014: Representatives of 200 media advocacy organizations have called for targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that address capable institutions, media freedom, and access to information, which they said will help with monitoring of post-2015 development commitments. The Global Forum for Media Development and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) organized the gathering of media advocates on 12 June 2014, in Washington, DC, US.

Participants also proposed indicators to achieve targets contained in the zero draft of the SDGs.

The coalition also said the UN should help build national capacities to gather data and promote dialogue on freedom of expression and public access to information. It proposed that UNESCO play a leading role in monitoring progress toward achievement of the goals. According to Fackson Banda, UNESCO, the Organization has several assessment tools related to freedom of expression and media development, including: the Media Development Indicators; Journalists’ Safety Indicators; freedom-of-expression-related aspects of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review; the World Trends Report on Freedom of Expression and Media Development; and Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media.

This meeting followed on a UNESCO-organized event during the World Press Freedom conference in May 2014. [UNESCO Press Release] [IISD RS Coverage of World Press Freedom Conference] [GFMD Press Release]