Flag_of_the_Arab_League-irena-rcree23 June 2014: The League of Arab States, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) have launched a renewable energy implementation roadmap study for the Arab region. The study proposes both country-specific and regional actions to support the development of the region’s vast renewable energy potential through 2030.

The study, titled ‘Pan-Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2030: Roadmap of Actions for Implementation,’ was launched during the Arab Forum for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, organized by the League of Arab States, on 18-19 June 2014, in El Gouna, Egypt. The study results from a collaboration between the three organizations to identify priorities for the implementation of the Pan-Arab Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy Applications: 2010-2030, adopted by the Arab Economic and Social Development Summit in January 2013. It also aims to support Arab League member States in achieving their national renewable energy targets, which cumulatively equal to approximately 75 GW of installed generation capacity by 2030.

Targeting national and regional decision makers, as well as regional and multilateral organizations, the roadmap study proposes actions for individual countries to achieve their politically-endorsed renewable energy targets, and identifies key regional-scale actions and initiatives for enhancing the market potential of renewables and enabling optimal resource utilization by the region’s countries, including: technical and financial assistance programmes to support preparation of national renewable energy action plans (NREAPs); a holistic capacity-building project; exploration of untapped opportunities for renewable energy; a grid integration initiative; a framework for improved financial cooperation; and regional studies.

The report also presents an overview of renewable energy in the region, including: assessments of resource and manufacturing potential; installed capacity and project pipeline; national targets; and market frameworks for deployment. It further identifies political, regulatory, economic, technological and capacity-related obstacles hindering the deployment of renewables.

The study highlights that the success of the roadmap will depend on coordination among organizations promoting renewable energy in the region, and calls for a clear coordination and follow-up mechanism through a working group with representatives from all major stakeholders.

Established in 1945, the League of Arab States currently has 22 member States. In July 2014, all were either members of IRENA or in the process of becoming members. RCREEE, a regional not-for-profit organization based in Cairo, Egypt, aims to increase the implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region, including through collaboration with the League of Arab States. [RCREEE Press Release] [IRENA Website] [Publication: Pan-Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2030: Roadmap of Actions for Implementation]