UN CC:Learn1 July 2014: The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) Secretariat has launched two resource guides for those interested in gaining a more advanced understanding of climate change science: one on the fundamentals of climate science; and the other on predicting and projecting climate change.

These resource guides, developed with technical advice from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), complement the UN CC:Learn e-course on the basics of climate change.

The guides consist of three parts: Part I includes a brief introduction to the subject area and an outline of the learning topics to be covered; Part II lists available learning resources and courses; and Part III provides factsheets and links to source material.

The ‘Resource Guide for Advanced Learning on Predicting and Projecting Climate Change’ focuses on four learning topics: climate prediction and climate change projection; climate change modelling; national systems for climate monitoring and predictions; and regional and global climate support services.

The ‘Resource Guide for Advanced Learning on the Fundamentals of Climate Change Science’ covers five learning topics: climate and the factors shaping the Earth’s climate; historical climate variations; meteorological consequences of climate variability and change; the human contribution to climate change; and global emission scenarios and climate change.

The resource guides are part of a series facilitating access to state-of-the-art materials relevant for climate change learning.

UN CC:Learn is a One UN partnership involving 33 organizations that supports countries in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. The Secretariat for UN CC:Learn is hosted by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). [Publication: Resource Guide for Advanced Learning on the Fundamentals of Climate Change Science] [Publication: Resource Guide for Advanced Learning on Predicting and Projecting Climate Change] [UN CC:Learn Press Release] [IISD RS Story on the CC:Learn e-Course on Climate Change]