greenovators17 July 2014: The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the EARTH University of Costa Rica are inviting young innovators to develop projects to combat climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean in the ‘Green youth innovators contest.’

The ‘Greenovators’ can develop projects in the areas of: education and awareness; energy efficiency; renewable energy; sustainable transport; sustainable business; resilient agriculture; and water resources. A panel of experts will select the winning projects, and winners will be invited to participate in a youth event at EARTH University in Costa Rica in November 2014.

The competition, created in collaboration with the Ibero-American General Secretariat and the Government of Costa Rica, is open to entrepreneurs who have come up with a business opportunity, identified a need in their community, and found a scalable solution. Proposals may be submitted between 17 July and 14 August 2014. [Greenovators Website] [Call for Proposals]