OWG28 July 2014: In a letter to Member States, the Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) express their hope for a far-reaching impact of the outcome agreed at the 13th and final session of the OWG (OWG 13), held on 14-19 July 2014. Macharia Kamau, Permanent Representative of Kenya, and Csaba Kőrösi, Permanent Representative of Hungary, note that the Group’s report was approved with “only a handful of expressions of reservations on some targets,” and is “truly indicative of a global consensus.”

The Co-Chairs suggest that the consensus outcome proposing 17 goals and 169 targets , “with hindsight, will also prove remarkable in its depth and breadth as well as its transformative reach and impact.”

Kamau and Kőrösi also express gratitude for the opportunity to lead the OWG, and note that it was impossible to convey their thanks at the conclusion of OWG 13 after “36 hours of non-stop debate, negotiations and drafting, following on seven, 12-hour days.” They thank Member States, Major Groups, the UN Secretariat and its agencies, organizations and support systems for their contributions to “this noble and…legacy enterprise of the international community.” [Letter from OWG Co-Chairs] [IISD RS Coverage of OWG 13] [Outcome Document]