Bioversity InternationalAugust 2014: Bioversity International’s 2013 Annual Report highlights work in relation to four themes, namely how agricultural biodiversity is consumed, produced, planted and safeguarded.

Each of the four themes describes a cluster of projects that support the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity through different approaches. ‘Consuming’ agricultural biodiversity refers to work that shows how sustainable diets based on diverse food systems contribute to food safety, food security and improved health. The theme ‘producing’ agricultural biodiversity describes the use of resilience indicators to increase sustainable production and adapt to change while maintaining biodiversity.

Projects under the theme ‘planting’ address access to information about and seeds of a wider range of crops and varieties to improve adaptation to the impacts of climate change. ‘Safeguarding’ agricultural biodiversity comprises work on policy development, specifically assistance to the Governments of Nepal and Rwanda in implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR).

Other sections of the document report on gender specific work, financial information, funding and research partners, publications, and information on governance. Bioversity International is a member of the CGIAR consortium. [Publication: Bioversity International Annual Report 2013][Bioversity International Press Release] [Bioversity International work on sustainable diets]