Mountain Partnership8 September 2014: Mountain communities have developed innovative strategies to cope with cultural, economic, environmental and political challenges and develop their tourism industry according to a publication, titled ‘Tourism in Mountain Regions: Hopes, Fears and Realities.’ The Mountain Partnership publication features 28 case studies from mountain regions showcasing examples of mountain tourism and offering lessons learned and recommendations on ways to promote sustainable mountain tourism.

The tourism industry brings jobs and economic resources to mountain regions, according to the publication, which notes that 15 to 20 percent of all tourists visit mountains. The report explains that the economic success achieved by Argentina, Australia, Chile, Europe, Japan, New Zealand and North America in its tourism industries provides hope for other mountain regions around the world that are interested in developing their tourism industries, such as the central Andes, the Pamirs, the Sahel and Tien Shan.

At the same time, the report cautions that tourism presents challenges related to cultural transformation, ecosystems and natural resource protection, governance and social equity. For instance, it states there is no guarantee that tourism will be equitable or sustainable, underscoring threats related to overuse and antagonism from local residents that may receive limited economic benefits. To address these concerns, the report recommends, inter alia: building capacity and developing skills to address economic change, environmental management and socio-cultural concerns, particularly for community-based tourism; and building a shared vision of tourism development among government, local stakeholders and the private sector.

The report features case studies on cultural diversity and social change; social equity and economic development; environmental resources and management; and a range of other topics addressed by mountain communities across the globe.

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the Department of Geography and Environment of the University of Geneva and the Centre for Development and Environment of the University of Bern produced the publication, with support from Austrian Development Cooperation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The publication is available in English and Spanish. [Mountain Partnership Press Release] [Publication: Tourism in Mountain Regions: Hopes, Fears and Realities]