UNFCCC8 September 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a summary report on the 3rd meeting of the Durban Forum for in-depth discussion on capacity building, which took place during the 40th session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) in Bonn, Germany, from 12-13 June 2014.

The summary report consists of four main sections: an introduction, including information on the mandate of the Durban Forum and possible action by the SBI; preparatory work; proceedings; and next steps. The agenda for the 3rd meeting of the Durban Forum on capacity building is included in an annex to the report.

During the meeting of the Durban Forum, representatives of Parties, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and academia shared information and experiences relating to the enhancement and/or creation of an enabling environment, and on the assessment of options for, and implementation of, mitigation and adaptation measures.

The summary report also contains information on the Chairs, Co-Chairs and members of bodies established under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol, who provided an overview of the capacity-building elements included in the workplans of these bodies and engaged in a question-and-answer session with meeting participants. [Publication: Summary Report on 3rd Meeting of Durban Forum]