wcip15 September 2014: The draft outcome document of the forthcoming World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) commits participating Heads of State and Government to give “due consideration to all the rights of indigenous peoples” in the elaboration of the post-2015 development agenda. The draft outcome document is the result of consultations among UN Member States, chaired by Andrej Logar, Slovenia, and Marjon Kamara, Liberia, which concluded on 12 September 2014.

The draft text addresses many issues, including the impacts of extractive industries on indigenous peoples, the causes and consequences of violence against indigenous women and girls, and access to and repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains.

The 40-point document requests the UN Secretary-General to develop a system-wide action plan to ensure a coherent approach to achieving the aims of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and to report on progress to the 70th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), including concrete proposals to enable participation of indigenous peoples’ representatives and institutions. The outcome document also invites the Secretary-General to designate a senior UN official with responsibility for increasing the coherence of UN system activities and raising awareness of indigenous peoples’ rights.

UN Member States, the private sector and other institutions are invited and encouraged to contribute to the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples, the UN Trust Fund on Indigenous Issues, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility, and the UN Indigenous Peoples Partnership as a means of respecting and promoting the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide.

The WCIP will take place as a high-level, Special Session of the UNGA, from 22-23 September 2014. [WCIP Draft Outcome Document] [WCIP 2014 Website]