manupulgarvidal3 October 2014: The Minister of Environment of Peru, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, who is also the President-designate of the 20th session of the Conference of Parties (COP 20) to the UNFCCC, responded to questions on COP 20 during a 30-minute Twitter conversation. The conversation, which took place in Spanish under the hashtag #HablaCOP20, was organized on 3 October, two months ahead of the Lima Climate Conference.

The Twitter chat with Pulgar-Vidal followed a conversation hosted by UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres on 17 September 2014, in which she responded to questions in Spanish and English on the 2014 UN Climate Summit and the Lima Conference.

Issues raised during the conversation included the role, significance and legacy of COP 20, the incoming Presidency’s strategies, carbon markets and messages to the civil society.

Responding to a question on the role of COP 20 as a prerequisite for a successful COP 21 and key outcomes, Pulgar-Vidal outlined a “solid, focused and clear draft agreement” as the central objective in Lima. On how to take forward political commitments made during the 2014 UN Climate Summit during COP 20, he stressed the need to bring together actors from civil society, including indigenous peoples and the private sector. On Peru’s expectations on a COP 20 legacy, Pulgar-Vidal expressed the hope for increased awareness and action, and the integration of the issue of climate change into the country’s development debates.

On allies for a successful COP outcome, he explained that Peru was building “solid alliances,” and stressed Latin America and the Caribbean as “key” in this regard.

On domestic issues, responding to a question on the key message to Peruvian university students on tackling climate change, Pulgar-Vidal stressed awareness raising, action and volunteering. Regarding potential for a carbon market, he highlighted the need for knowledge on potential, forest reference levels, inventories and stocks, among others, and pointed to advances in these areas.

Thanking for the questions, Pulgar-Vidal closed the chat by tweeting: “We are all part of the solution. Join this effort, and let us make COP 20 a success.” [UNFCCC Press Release (in Spanish)] [UNFCCC Executive Secretary #HablaCOP20 on Storify (in Spanish)] [COP 20 President-designate #HablaCOP20 on Storify (in Spanish)] [Minister Pulgar-Vidal on Twitter] [All Tweets under #HablaCOP20]