UNFCCC2 October 2014: The sixth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC 6) addressed, inter alia: coherence under the UNFCCC, including representation, adaptation-related mandates, and collaboration with the Standing Committee (SCF) on Finance and the Technology Executive Committee (TEC); means of implementation; and national adaptation plans (NAPs), including work of the NAP Task Force, financial support for NAPs and progress made on NAP Central.

The AC 6 met from 29 September to 1 October 2014, in Bonn, Germany. The Committee also discussed: best practices and needs of local and indigenous communities; the AC workplan post-2015; monitoring and evaluation of adaptation; future Adaptation Forums; work load of AC members; the promotion of synergies and the strengthening of engagement with national, regional and international organizations, centers and networks; and communication and outreach activities, including a documentary of the Adaptation Forum.

The meeting was preceded by a two-day interactive discussion of the AC’s Task Force on NAPs (NAP Task Force) with representatives from UN agencies, relevant multilateral and bilateral organizations and NGOs discussing how they can best support the NAP process. The outcomes of the Task Force discussions then fed in the AC meeting, where next steps for the AC, the NAP Task Force and the COP were considered, are being finalized and will be included in the AC’s report to the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the UNFCCC.

Outcomes of AC 6 included: enhanced collaboration with related processes under the Convention, in particular the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), the TEC and the SCF, including joint activities, such as an AC/LEG workshop on NAPs and a workshop on economic diversification and livelihoods in collaboration with Nairobi work programme partners. Both of these workshops are scheduled for 2015.

The AC also elaborated on details for the third thematic workshop planned for the first quarter of 2015, which is being organized under its workstream on means to incentivize implementation of adaptation action. In addition, the AC further refined a draft thematic report on ‘Institutional Arrangements for Adaptation to Climate Change – Focusing on national planning and implementation,’ which will be launched during COP 20.

The next AC meeting, which is scheduled for early March 2015 in Panama, will convene in conjunction with a forum of the Global Adaptation Network (GAN). The AC is exploring further collaboration with the GAN on the next Adaptation Forum, which will focus on building partnerships and strengthening regional adaptation networks. [AC Website] [AC 6 Website] [NAP Task Force Workplan] [IISD RS Sources]