CAP NET UNDP14 October 2014: The UN Development Programme (UNDP) Cap-Net has launched a virtual campus as part of its strategy to explore diverse forms of media for capacity development and facilitate collaborative work among Cap-Net’s Secretariat, network and other partners.

As its first offering on the campus, Cap-Net, in partnership with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Water Education (UNESCO-IHE) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), launched a pilot course titled ‘Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a climate change adaptation tool.’ The course aims to introduce IWRM and climate-change concepts and showcase IWRM as an instrument for climate change adaptation.

The course, which will be used to test the on-line platform and explore activities, methodologies and structure for the design and delivery of virtual courses, uses open source software and has a user-friendly system to make it accessible on all computers. [UNDP Cap-Net Press Release] [UNDP Cap-Net Press Release on Pilot Course] [Cap-Net Virtual Campus]