EEA28 October 2014: The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published an updated analysis of the EU’s progress toward its 2020 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, renewable energy and efficiency goals. The results suggest that the EU is on track to meet all three targets by 2020, but that subsequent targets set for 2030 will require more effort nationally and at the EU level.

On the 2020 GHG emissions reduction target, the EU is set to cut emissions by 21% of 1990 levels, 1% above its goal. EEA notes that emissions fell by almost 2% between 2012 and 2013. The EU is also overachieving regarding its energy efficiency and renewables goals: energy consumption is declining even more quickly than necessary to meet the hoped-for 20% improvement in energy efficiency; and the proportion of renewable sources in the final energy mix is even greater than in the planned trajectory. In 2012, renewables made up 14% of final energy consumption.

Progress is not even across the board, according to EEA. In fact, some sectors (such as transport and agriculture) and countries are advancing more slowly than planned. The analysis credits the policies and measures that EU countries have implemented with making the realization of the 2020 goals a possibility. More policy action will still be needed to reach a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030, boost renewables’ share to 27% and improve efficiency by at least 27%. [EEA Press Release] [EU Press Release]