cbfp23 October 2014: The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) has released the report of its fourteenth partners meeting, which highlights opportunities and challenges in achieving sustainable land use practices under changing climatic conditions in the Congo Basin.

The meeting convened sessions on REDD+ and low emissions development, the impact of international agreements such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on Central African forests, and financing options for climate change mitigation, the conservation of forests, and sustainable development. The meeting also further elaborated the Convergence Plan of the Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) focusing on the need to operationalize the plan.

Other issues raised during the meeting included trans-boundary cooperation for protected areas management and the prevention of illegal trade in endangered fauna, methods to balance the conservation of forests with agricultural production, and the role of local communities and civil society in REDD+.

The meeting also featured an ‘innovation alley’ in which partners presented projects and ideas on issues ranging from governance and climate change to capacity building and training for sustainable forest management (SFM). The partners meeting was held 8-9 October 2014 in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo. [CBFP Press Release] [Publication: Communiqué Final de la 14 Réunion des Partenaires du PFBC]