FAOOctober 2014: The Government of Mozambique has issued a declaration cancelling the registration of many Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs), according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), which is working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture to deregister HHPs. HHPs are products that present particularly high levels of acute or chronic hazards to human health or the environment due to their inherent chemical properties.

In the past ten years, pesticide imports have risen over 500% in Mozambique. FAO notes that the Government’s declaration signals its intention to refuse future registration of similar pesticides.

FAO, which has been assisting countries with HHPs since 2006, is also assisting Mozambique in strengthening the capacity of producers, helping them make better use of ecological approaches to manage crops and pests by conserving important ecosystem services. [FAO Press Release]