iucn-medpan18 November 2014: The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the network of marine protected area managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the IUCN World Parks Congress (WPC), which is taking place from 12-19 November, in Sydney, Australia. The MOU aims to enhance coordination on scientific research on ecosystem services, poverty reduction and sustainable development in the Mediterranean region.

The Mediterranean hosts nearly eight percent of known species, yet covers less than one percent of the world’s ocean area. Despite its high levels of biodiversity, only five percent of the Mediterranean has been designated as marine protected areas (MPAs). Further, the Mediterranean’s MPAs are primarily located in the northwest, resulting in what the Director of IUCN’s Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Antonio Troya, described as “an imbalance in PAs in the Mediterranean.” She recommended ensuring a better regional balance among PAs to ensure healthy coastal and marine environments and sustainable use of marine resources in the Mediterranean.

Through the MOU, IUCN and MedPAN will collaborate on a series of activities to improve marine management. The organizations will: evaluate the Mediterranean MPA roadmap until 2020; develop a common database of MPAs, known as the MAPAMED; and organize a Mediterranean MPA forum in 2016.

The MOU extends through 31 December 2016. [IUCN Press Release] [MedPAN Website] [MAPAMED Website] [IISD RS Coverage of WPC]