United Nations18 November 2014: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport has agreed on priority areas and a work plan for its three-year term. The Advisory Group agreed to consider the potential for sustainable transport to contribute to poverty alleviation, sustainable urbanization and sustainable growth, among other topics, and to promote the integration of sustainable transport in relevant intergovernmental processes, including the post-2015 development agenda.

The Group held its first meeting on 17 November 2014, in New York, US.

Transport-related issues to be addressed by the Group include: access; accessibility; affordability; climate and environmental impacts; efficiency, health; and safety. Members also agreed to consider cross-cutting issues such as capacity building, education, finance, gender and technology transfer. The Group recognized that it must consider aviation, ferry, marine, rail and road modes of transport in its discussions.

In remarks to the Group, UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson highlighted sustainable transport as a critical element of the post-2015 development agenda, noting the role of sustainable transport in combating climate change, lowering air pollution and promoting public health and safety, as well as in promoting poverty eradication and sustainable growth. Eliasson also stressed the role of transport in supporting sustainable urbanization, saying affordable, accessible and clean modes of transport “will be a key characteristic of sustainable cities in the future.”

Eliasson requested the group to closely align transport with environmental protection, inclusive and equitable growth, and social development. He concluded by asking the Group to “focus on results, defining goals and targets that will help the UN to generate momentum for actions to advance sustainable transport at local, national, regional and global levels.”

The Group is tasked with: delivering a global message and recommendations on sustainable transport; launching a ‘Global Transport Outlook Report’ by July 2016; and mobilizing action in support of sustainable transport. It also aims to ensure recognition of transport in the post-2015 development agenda and other strategies to fight poverty. [UN Press Release] [Advisory Group Webpage] [Deputy Secretary-General Statement]