Unep-Wcmc25 November 2014: The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) has launched an updated version of its Ocean Data Viewer. The updated version facilitates comparison among the website’s 22 global datasets on coastal and marine biodiversity, and features additional information and downloadable links.

The Ocean Data Viewer includes metadata descriptions with contextual information on coastal and marine issues, information on international conventions and initiatives of relevance to each dataset, and biodiversity factsheets for the Biodiversity A-Z website. Updated features include improved map clarity and functionality, filtering functionality for searches and downloadable meta datasets.

Global datasets included in the Viewer range from the World Database on Protected Areas, the Global Map of Shannon’s Index of Biodiversity, the Global Distribution of Coral Reefs and Mean Sea Surface Productivity as well as maps displaying the global distribution of whale species, sea turtle nesting sites and mangrove and seagrass habitats.

UNEP-WCMC presented the updated Ocean Data Viewer at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) World Parks Congress, which took place in Sydney, Australia, from 12-19 November 2014.

UNEP-WCMC launched the Open Data Viewer website in 2011 to facilitate access to a range of data and information to inform marine conservation decisions. The Proteus Partnership funds the initiative in collaboration with UNEP-WCMC. [UNEP-WCMC Press Release] [Ocean Data Viewer Website] [IISD RS Coverage of the World Parks Congress]