apec21 November 2014: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members plan to double the share of renewable energy in the region’s energy mix within 15 years, according to the APEC Energy Working Group. APEC energy officials agreed to advance a number of measures on renewable energy at the week-long 48th meeting of the Energy Working Group.

Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Petroleum and Energy Minister, Nixon Duban, underscored renewables as a necessary component to meeting the region’s rising energy demand. According to APEC, its member economies account for 55% of global energy production and 60% of total energy consumption.

Phyllis Genther-Yoshida, Lead Shepherd of the APEC Energy Working Group and US Department of Energy Deputy Assistant Secretary, emphasized the Group is working to make renewables the “cornerstone” of energy development and highlighted renewables’ role in mitigating the environmental effects of rapid economic development.

As part of efforts to reach renewable energy goals, APEC has promoted the Low Carbon Model Town initiative. The Towns serve as real world laboratories for feasibility testing of low-carbon urban design. During the meeting, APEC confirmed Bintung City, Indonesia, as the fifth APEC Low Carbon Model Town.

APEC is also working to reducing tariffs on 54 environmental goods, including many renewable energy products or components, such as solar panels and wind turbines. Other actions include: working toward standardization for mainstreaming the application of renewable energy technologies; preparing a gap assessment; technical cooperation on solar photovoltaic (PV) rooftop installation; and supporting low-carbon heating system development and renewable energy grid integration.

During the meeting, officials adopted a definition of what constitutes doubling of renewable energy, agreeing to include hydroelectricity in the definition. Officials agreed to exclude traditional biomass, such as agricultural by-products and woodfuel.

PNG hosted the meeting of energy officials in Port Moresby from 17-22 November 2014. [APEC Press Release] [APEC Energy Working Group Webpage] [APEC Low Carbon Model Town Press Release]