GRASPDecember 2014: The Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP) will engage with Sina Weibo, a Chinese social networking site, to reach out to a Chinese audience about the conservation of chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos in Africa and Asia.

Weibo, launched in 2009, is a popular site in China boasting some 500 million users. GRASP aims to share content on the site highlighting the need to conserve great apes. Doug Cress, GRASP Programme Coordinator, highlighted that China can play an important role in addressing many of the conservation crises facing great apes.

GRASP is an alliance of 98 governments, research institutions, conservation organizations, UN agencies and private companies committed to the long-term survival of great apes and their habitat in Africa and Asia. [GRASP News] [Sina Weibo]