Mountain Partnership28 November 2014: Ministers from eight Alpine countries, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Slovenia and Switzerland, along with the EU and observer organizations, met in Turin, Italy to discuss the sustainable development of the Alps and the protection of the Alpine Environment. The XIII Alpine Conference took place on 21 November 2014.

“The Alpine Conference highlighted the need for cooperation on all levels to address the challenges in the Alpine Region, such as the challenges of climate and demographic change, but also to make the best possible use of our potentials such as green economy [and] sustainable tourism,” said Markus Reiterer, Secretary General of the Alpine Convention.

The latest ‘Report on the State of the Alps,’ discussed at the Conference, shows that the Alpine population has increased, largely because of migration. The “new highlanders” tend to concentrate in areas that are easily accessible and at commuting distances from main urban centers. The report highlights that their presence can help boost the local economy, revitalizing traditions and culture while promoting local craftsmanship.

During the meeting, the Alpine and Carpathian Conventions adopted a Joint Statement addressing climate change to be presented at the December 2014 Lima Climate Change Conference. High-level participants also discussed demography and employment in the Alps and the EU Macro-regional strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).

The Alpine Conference adopted a statement on EUSALP stating its conviction that the Alpine Convention shall continue its role in the elaboration and implementation of the strategy in all its pillars and expressed its readiness to play a leading role in the third pillar concerning sustainable use of energy and natural resources. EUSALP is in the process of elaboration and is bound to become operational in summer 2015.

Germany will assume the Presidency of the Alpine Convention for the period 2015-2016. The German Programme will focus on green economy, biodiversity, sustainable tourism, climate change, transport and mobility and EUSALP. The next Report on the State of the Alps will concentrate on green economy and will be published by the end of 2016. [Mountain Partnership Press Release]