limacop209 December 2014: Participants discussed black-carbon emissions at a side event on ‘Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) with a Focus on the Brick Production Sector and on Emissions from Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles.’ The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Secretariat, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Ev-K2-CNR Committee and Swisscontact organized the event on the sidelines of the Lima Climate Change Conference.

Peru’s Environment Vice Minister, Mariano Castro Sánchez-Moreno, described efforts in Peru to address SLCPs, including: diagnostic activities in brick production, particularly artisanal bricks; diesel desulfurization by 2019; utilization of Diesel Particle Filters on buses; public awareness campaigns; and the formation of a national action plan to reduce SCLP emissions.

Chile’s Minister of Environment, Pablo Badenier, noted that Chile has succeeded in diminishing pollutants by two-thirds over a 20 year period. He lamented that Chile’s pollutant levels still exceed standards and described how, in an attempt to take a more holistic and creative approach, Chile has imposed its first green tax of US$5 per tonne of carbon. Badenier underscored that, while the amount is small, it signals the country’s ambition to move towards a greener future.

Drew Shindell, CCAC Scientific Advisory Panel, said reducing SLCPs is important to those already affected by climate change and will help prevent biodiversity loss, provide additional time for adaptation and contribute to realizing associated health and agricultural benefits.

Jon Bickel, Swisscontact, described lessons learned from the Brick Initiative, such as the need for: a market analysis to understand barriers; a baseline to analyze the informal sector; promotion of validated technologies with a real return on investment; and South-South cooperation.

Panelists also highlighted the importance of basing SLCP solutions in science while customizing them to local situations and integrating them into national development goals. They further highlighted: technical developments in various countries, including harmonized low-sulfur standards, diesel quality standards and an inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that includes SLCPs, allowing clear goal-setting and effective policy monitoring. [IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage] [IISD RS Coverage of Lima Climate Change Conference] [CCAC Event Announcement] [CCAC at COP 20 Website] [CCAC Website] [IASS Website] [Ev-K2-CNR Website] [Swisscontact Website]