limacop2011 December 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat’s side event ‘Momentum for Change: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Solutions’ at the Lima Climate Change Conference celebrated the innovative ways ICT is being used across all sectors of society to reduce energy use, cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and build resilience to the effects of climate change. The event highlighted the Momentum for Change Initiative’s impacts on the ground.

Al Gore, Former US Vice President, underscored the need for a price on carbon to send the correct market signals, noting that estimates show current subsidies for coal may be 20 times higher than for renewables. Gore pointed to information technology as a tool to eliminate inefficiencies, giving examples of production systems being redesigned in the industry, agriculture and transport sectors.

Kevin Moss, Net Good and Environmental Strategy, BT, described the company’s goal to help customers reduce carbon emissions by at least three times the end-to-end carbon impact of their business by 2020. He also said BT’s Smart 2020 report recognizes green growth opportunities.

Neera Shrestha Pradhan, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), provided background information on the community-based flood early warning system (CB-FEWS) in the Hindu Kush Himalayas region. She said the system is people-centered, is understandable to those at risk and uses low-cost ICT tools.

Partha Jyoti Das, Water Climate and Hazard Programme, Aaranyak, stressed that acceptance of particular technologies varies among communities due to diverse traditions. He shared success stories from Dihiri, India, and noted the way forward includes the enhancement of ICT tools, as well as the “out-scale and up-scale” of CB-FEWS.

Harit Pranlal Soni, Ecolibrium Energy, said that while 1.2 billion people do not have access to electricity, one in every four kilowatt hours (kWhs) is wasted or mismanaged. He shared success stories underscoring his company’s vision to “create a world where every watt counts.”

The UNFCCC Momentum for Change initiative “shines the light” on the groundswell of climate action already underway around the world. It is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation and operates in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative.[IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage] [IISD RS Coverage of Lima Climate Change Conference] [UNFCCC Event Announcement] [UNFCCC Momentum for Change: ICT Webpage] [Momentum for Change: All Events Flyer]