astf15 December 2014: Following the inaugural conference of the African Sustainable Transport Forum (ASTF), an outcome document has been published that summarizes the ASTF’s ministerial session and the ASTF Action Framework. The Framework includes 13 actions and an institutional structure for the ASTF Secretariat. It also presents a roadmap for sustainable transport in Africa, based on a harmonization of priority action areas identified by conference participants.

The document describes the Forum’s emphasis on: day-to-day sustainable transport challenges in Africa; solutions in the context of green growth and emissions reductions; and the four priority areas of road safety, vehicles and emissions, accessibility and sustainable infrastructure, and enabling conditions. The ASTF Action Framework includes timebound targets on a range of activities related to the areas of road safety, vehicle emissions and energy efficiency, and accessibility and sustainable infrastructure. It discusses supporting activities related to data generation and monitoring, financing, capacity building, and advocacy and championing.

The ASTF convened from 28-30 October 2014, in Nairobi, Kenya. 

The interim ASTF Secretariat, hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and supported by the World Bank and UN-Habitat, will support for Framework’s implementation. [ASTF Webpage] [ASTF Outcome Document] [IISD RS Story on the ASTF]