COMIFACJanuary 2015: The Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) released a summary of its activities covering the period July to September 2014. The summary highlights progress in the implementation of the COMIFAC ‘Convergence Plan’ including the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework.

The summary also reports on communication and capacity building activities carried out by the COMIFAC Secretariat, such as the publication of the COMIFAC News information bulletin and the purchasing of computers and communication technologies for national coordination units.

Meetings highlighted in the summary include the twentieth meeting of the biodiversity working group, the establishment of the committee of experts by the forest governance working group, a training workshop on public-private partnerships for protected areas management, and a workshop on synergies between REDD+ and biodiversity planning tools.

Progress in the implementation of projects on geospatial mapping of land uses and the management of non-timber forest products was also noted in the quarterly summary. [Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) News] [Publication: Note de synthese trimestrielle sur l’etat d’avancement des activites de la COMIFAC]