post2015-unu-ias16 January 2015: The Project on Sustainability Transformation Beyond 2015 (POST2015 Project) and the Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability at the UN University (UNU-IAS) organized a one-day symposium in Tokyo, Japan, to discuss the challenges remaining for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as progress toward formulating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and SDG implementation at the local and global levels.

Keynote speaker Keizo Takemi, Tokai University and Member of the House of Councillors, Japan, highlighted the importance of governance in SDG formulation and implementation. He called for the SDGs to focus on “human-centered” development, and to adopt a human security approach.

Norichika Kanie, UNU-IAS and Tokyo Institute of Technology, outlined four challenges for sustainable development implementation, relating to: the creation of integrated goals; governance of the SDGs; Japan’s role in the international community; and cooperation between the science community and other stakeholders in implementing the SDGs.

In two panel discussions, participants emphasized the importance of fostering active cooperation among government, business and NGO stakeholders, and promoting mutual understanding between specialists and other actors, noting that “the gap between goal setting and implementation needs to be filled.”

On implementation in Japan, participants said global partnerships, follow-up and review will be crucial for implementation, also highlighting the value of science, technology and the data revolution in promoting a resilient society. [UNU-IAS Press Release] [POST2015 Project Website]