United Nations13 February 2015: The 53rd session of the Commission on Social Development (CSD) approved four resolutions on Africa, aging, youth and the rights of persons with disabilities. Noting the 1995 World Summit on Social Development (WSSD) goals on poverty, employment and social integration have not been achieved, CSD-53 called for upholding these goals in the post-2015 development agenda.

On Africa, CSD-53 requested the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to urge African governments to intensify attention on inclusive, equitable and sustainable growth that will meet the needs of young people, including promoting the “dynamic diversification” of African economies for job creation. CSD-53 also invited further consideration of long-term aid to Ebola-affected states.

On aging, CSD-53 agreed on modalities for the third review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and requested ECOSOC to invite states and the UN to take concrete measures to mainstream aging issues into their programming and existing mandates, including through the establishment or strengthening of national coordinating bodies or mechanisms.

On youth, CSD-53 requested ECOSOC to call on states to consider youth issues in “all appropriate aspects” of the post-2015 agenda and to promote youth participation in related decision-making processes.

On the rights of persons with disabilities, CSD-53 agreed to organize a multi-stakeholder panel on “Implementation of the post-2015 development agenda in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” at its next session.

Among other agenda items, CSD-53 also addressed the effects of climate change on economically and socially vulnerable people.

In preparation for CSD-53, the Secretariat released a note, “Emerging Issues: Contributions of Social Development to the Transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” The note argues that actions to tackle the adverse effects of climate change must simultaneously advance economic growth and social progress, improve wellbeing and living standards for all people, stressing that “progress in one area should not be made at the cost of the other areas.” The note recommends more rigorous research to further clarify the concept of social sustainability and calls for further exploring related concepts and principles such as equity, equality, social inclusion and cohesion.

CSD-53 took place at UN Headquarters in New York, the US. Several events took place before CSD-53, including a civil society forum that explored options for innovative financing for development (FfD), including financial transition taxes. The forum also recommended the reallocation of a portion of military spending to the needs of people and the planet, social protection floors and a human rights-based approach to development. [UN Press Releases from CSD-53] [UN Press Release on Climate Change at CSD-53] [Publication: Emerging Issues: Contributions of Social Development to the Transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals]