ipcc4127 February 2015: The 41st session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-41) addressed issues related to the future work of the IPCC, including consideration of the recommendations by the Task Group on the Future Work of the IPCC, and a decision on size, structure and composition of the IPCC Bureau and any Task Force Bureau.

IPCC-41 also addressed: procedural matters related to the designation of an acting chair; communication and outreach activities, including a proposal by Norway to convene an expert meeting; implementation of the IPCC Conflict of Interest Policy; and matters related to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other international bodies. Approximately 200 people attended the meeting.

Prior to the opening of the session, which convened from 24-27 February 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya, IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri submitted a letter of resignation to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. IPCC Vice-Chair Ismail El Gizouli was appointed as Acting Chair of the IPCC, and presided over IPCC-41.

The Panel adopted a set of decisions on the future work of the IPCC, including on: IPCC products, their timing and their usability; IPCC structure; respective roles of the IPCC Secretariat and the IPCC Technical Support Units; options for the selection of and support to Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors; and improving the writing and review process. The decisions also address involvement of developing countries, including additional measures to attract qualified experts from developing countries and enhance and facilitate their engagement with the IPCC.

As highlighted by the IPCC, the decisions included agreement to “increase the representation of African and Asian countries on the IPCC Bureau by increasing the number of its members to 34 from 31,” and to request “the Secretariat and Technical Support Units to command a respectful workplace, emphasizing policies and practices that promote diversity, fairness, collaboration and inclusiveness.”

Additionally, the Panel decided to hold an expert meeting on communications and outreach, as proposed by Norway, and a workshop on regional climate projections and their use in impacts and risk analysis studies. The Panel agreed that IPCC-42 would be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 5-8 October 2015. [IISD Reporting Services coverage of IPCC-41][IPCC Press Release on IPCC-41][IPCC Press Release on designation of Acting Chair][Climate Change Policy & Practice post on opening of IPCC-41 and resignation of former IPCC Chair Pachauri]