UNDP11 March 2015: In a UN Development Programme (UNDP) blog, the director of UNDP’s Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDG-F) highlights the Fund’s efforts to ensure a smooth transition from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the SDGs. The SDG-F serves as a development cooperation mechanism, building on the MDG Achievement Fund while expanding the focus on sustainable development and public-private partnerships, and incorporating discussions on the post-2015 development agenda and the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, according to UNDP.

The SDG-F was created in 2014 by the government of Spain and UNDP.

Director Paloma Duran writes in ‘Bridging the gap: How the SDG Fund is paving the way for a post-2015 agenda’ that the SDG Fund currently has joint programmes implemented through UN agencies in 18 countries in Africa, the Arab States, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. It operates by engaging local people in programme design, implementation and evaluation, with 56% of its funds provided through matching funds from national and international partners. The SDG Fund addresses gender equality and other cross-cutting priorities.

In Peru, the SDG Fund is working to establish an inclusive value chain for the production of Andean grains, including quinoa, to ensure that increased international demand translates into economic and social improvements on the ground as well as the integration of women in the labor market. In Africa, the SDG Fund is supporting the creation of agricultural cooperatives and working to increase rural women’s participation in financial cooperatives and rural producer associations to promote sustainable development through inclusive economic growth in the agricultural sector.

The Fund plans to establish a Private Sector Advisory Group to discuss practical solutions to sustainable development challenges. [Our Perspective: Bridging the gap: How the SDG Fund is paving the way for a post-2015 agenda] [SDG Fund Website] [Approved Joint Programmes as of December 2014]