Nordic Council Logo23 March 2015: A study published by the Nordic Council of Ministers (Norden) identifies a variety of options for designing and organizing the assessment and review of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) under a 2015 climate change agreement. It proposes an ex ante assessment and review process for INDCs, complemented by assessments by observer organizations and informal discussions among parties. In addition, it recommends a periodic review of collective ambition to assess environmental effectiveness.

The study, titled ‘Assessment and Review under a 2015 Climate Change Agreement,’ presents: lessons from existing review processes under, and outside, the UNFCCC; an analysis of UNFCCC parties’ views on assessment and review; and options for assessment and review, including their evaluation.

On assessment and review in general, the report notes it helps in: identifying progress toward agreed goals and in implementation, and the adequacy of existing contributions; demonstrating the fairness and equitability of countries’ individual contributions, and their support to trust building between parties; and holding parties individually and collectively accountable by domestic and international stakeholders.

The report makes recommendations with respect to different types of assessment and review, namely: ex ante assessment and review of the first contribution period; future ex ante assessment and review; assessment and review of implementation; and collective assessment and review.

On ex ante assessment and review, it notes that, while the Lima Call for Climate Action (Decision 1/CP.20) “significantly limits the options for a formal ex ante consideration process” in the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, in December 2015, it leaves “ample room for informal assessments outside the UNFCCC process.” It notes that several assessments of this kind will be carried out by international and research organizations, and civil society, and, given the limited formal process, encourages parties to carry out informal assessments through bilateral and plurilateral discussions. The report also encourages capturing the lessons from the 2015 ex ante process so as to inform future assessment and review processes, including a possible ex ante assessment beyond the Paris conference. [Norden Publication Webpage] [Publication: Assessment and Review under a 2015 Climate Change Agreement]