habitatiii17 April 2015: Delegates at the second Preparatory Committee for the Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) agreed on the process and timing of the Conference, which is anticipated to establish a “new urban agenda” in 2016.

Habitat III will convene during the week of 17 October 2016, in Quito, Ecuador. In the preceding 15 months, UN Member States will work to finalize the meeting’s substantive content, including the organization of regional and thematic sessions, finalization of issue papers and implementation of policy units.

Delegates to the PrepCom recommended, inter alia: publication of all 22 issue papers on the Conference website no later than 31 May 2015, with the aim of collecting written comments in June 2015; making available the final outputs of the ten policy units by the end of December 2015, with the aim of collecting written comments in January 2016; and making available Habitat III’s draft outcome document as soon as possible and no later than six months in advance of the Conference, with the aim of deliberating on the draft at the third Session. PrepCom 3 will take place on 25-27 July 2016, in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Delegates adopted a draft decision on accreditation of NGOs and other major groups to Habitat III and its preparatory process. The draft decision recognizes the contribution of NGOs and local authorities in the Conference, including through the General Assembly of Partners, an advocacy and debate platform.

The meeting also discussed progress toward implementation of the outcomes of Habitat II and the New Urban Agenda, including 22 issue papers on six areas for the new urban agenda: social cohesion and equity – livable cities; spatial development; urban frameworks; urban economy; urban ecology and environment; and urban housing and basic services.

Approximately 800 participants from 90 countries attended the second in a series of three preparatory meetings that aim to agree on Habitat III’s aims, objectives and details. The meeting, which convened from 14-16 April 2015, in Nairobi, Kenya, was live streamed online, and included 36 side events. [UN-HABITAT Press Release] [HABITAT III Resources] [PrepCom 2 Website] [PrepCom 2 Agenda] [Issue Papers and Policy Units]