10_yfp20 April 2015: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) launched a Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme under its Ten-Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP), aiming to promote resource and energy efficiency in the building and construction sector.

The programme seeks to ensure that residential, commercial and industrial buildings are healthy to live and work in, and that they use land, energy, water and other resources sustainably. Specifically, it will: encourage sustainability policies to be developed in the building sector; promote sustainable housing; enhance sustainability in the building supply chain; strengthen resilience to climate change; and undertake knowledge sharing, outreach and awareness raising.

The programme was launched at the high-level segment of the UN-Habitat Governing Council meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, on 20 April 2015, with speakers from the Government of Finland, UNEP and UN-Habitat addressing delegates. The Programme is led by Finland’s Ministry of Environment, UNEP, the World Green Building Council (WGBC) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).

In a press release, UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner notes that over a billion new homes will be needed by the year 2050, and “sustainability should begin at home.” He said that the designing and building of greener homes can improve energy efficiency and the management of natural resources, reduce impacts on biodiversity.

UNEP reports that building and construction account for 40% of global energy use, 30% of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, about 12% of water use, and nearly 40% of waste. They also employ about 10% of the world’s workforce.

The Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme is one of six programmes under the 10YFP. The other 10YFP programmes address: consumer information; sustainable tourism; sustainable public procurement; sustainable lifestyles and education; and sustainable food systems. [UNEP Press Release] [Programme Brochure] [10YFP Webpage on Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme]