United Nations27 April 2015: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) held an interactive dialogue on the theme ‘Harmony with Nature: Towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) including addressing climate change in the post-2015 development agenda,’ in commemoration of Mother Earth Day, which is marked annually on 22 April. The meeting discussed how society should function to be consistent with a Harmony with Nature paradigm. A summary of the event will be circulated to Member States and stakeholders by the UNGA President.

The interactive dialogue took place on 27 April 2015, in New York, US.

Delivering remarks on behalf of the UN Secretary-General, Susana Malcorra, Chef de Cabinet, said 2015 may be the most important year for development since the founding of the UN 70 years ago, as it is “a year for global action.” She reminded participants that: the international community can agree on a comprehensive financing framework for the future development agenda, in July in Addis Ababa; world leaders can adopt a universal and transformative post-2015 development agenda and set of SDGs, in September in New York; and Member States can forge a new path forward on climate change by adopting a universal agreement, in Paris in December. Malcorra added that the big decisions that lie ahead are not just for world leaders and policymakers; personal action can be as simple as switching to energy-efficient lighting or buying only what one will consume. “When accumulated across billions of people, these and other planet-sensitive decisions can transform our world. The power to change begins with each one of us,” she concluded.

UNGA President Sam Kutesa stressed the need to adopt a post-2015 development agenda that “should put the well-being of both humankind and our planet at the centre of our sustainable development efforts.” He said reaching a universal climate change agreement is another important step for ensuring a better chance of preserving the planet for present and future generations.

Kutesa acknowledged the increasing awareness and proactive stances being taken by leaders around the world to address environmental challenges. “Nevertheless,” he added, “much more needs to be done in terms of policy making, technology development and transfer as well as education and capacity building.”

The dialogue event also included multi-stakeholder panel discussions. [UN Press Release] [Statement of UN Secretary-General] [Statement of UNGA President] [IISD RS Story on Mother Earth Day]