CPF5 May 2015: In celebration of it 15th anniversary, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) released a review of its activities in 2013 and 2014. In the document, CPF underlines its continually growing commitment to sustainable forest management (SFM) and shows how it has set the stage over the past two years for negotiating the future International Arrangement on Forests (IAF), as well as the forest-related aspects of the expected climate change agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015.

The 16-page brochure includes highlights from CPF’s work on: integrating forests into the post-2015 development agenda; simplifying reporting; securing forest finance; carring out advocacy and outreach; sharing forest-related information; providing scientific expertise on forests; and promoting policy learning on forests.

In addition to describing the role of the CPF in supporting the work of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF), the report highlights the 30 joint initiatives and activities delivered by the CPF including the launch of the Global Forest Information Service (GFIS) to consolidate and share forest information and the convening of the Global Forest Experts Panel (GFEP) and the launch of the Policy Learning Initiative linking science to international forest policy.

The report also takes note of CPF contributions to the UNFF Facilitative Process, the development of simplified guidelines for national communications under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Open Working Group (OWG) on SDGs. Main achievements include the proposal of SDGs related to forests addressing both the water provision function of forests and the sustainable management of forests.

On financing, CPF helped ensure the 5th replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) included an SFM/REDD+ Incentive Mechanism as a separate funding window for countries. On outreach, several initiatives are highlighted, including activities organized for the International Day of Forests and the Global Landscapes Forum.

The brochure ends with a snapshot of CPF’s vision for the future, stating that the Partnership “remains committed to saving and maintaining the world’s forests and working with countries to sustain healthy, productive landscapes.” Building on current resources and experience, CPF plans to continue searching for ways to make its work even more effective.

CPF is an interagency partnership of 14 international organizations, institutions and secretariats with substantial programmes on forests. [Publication: Collaborative Partnership on Forests: Promoting Sustainable Forest Management – Highlights 2013-2014] [CPF Press Release]