Stakeholder ForumMay 2015: Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future has undertaken a study to enhance understanding of the implications of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for developed countries, as developing countries tend to receive most of the attention in international discussions on the post-2015 development framework.

The UN Development Programme (UNDP)-commissioned report, titled ‘Universal Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding the Transformational Challenge for Developed Countries,’ introduces a methodology to assess the degree of both: transformational challenges represented by each of the SDGs and their respective targets; and transformational changes required in order to implement them under different national circumstances.

An initial application of the methodology led to the conclusion that the majority of transformational opportunities for developed countries in implementing the SDGs domestically are related to the goals of transitioning economies towards more sustainable modes of consumption and production, greater sustainable energy production and combating climate change. For developing countries, the goal of eradicating poverty remains the main challenge, and support is still required from more developed countries and the international community.

While all the SDGs contain relevant and significant challenges for all countries, the study aims to better understand action priorities within the SDG framework that are apt to arise for different countries, in order to “relieve the overall anthropogenic pressures on the planet and its natural systems,” while also eradicating poverty and promoting greater equality within and among countries.

Stakeholder Forum explains that the proposed methodology could: be used in any country to assess the extent of the challenge represented by the different SDGs; become a useful tool for countries at all development levels as they embark on plans for SDG implementation; and help any country determine which of the SDGs and targets will represent the biggest transformational challenges and opportunities, and take action accordingly. [Stakeholder Forum Press Release] [Publication: Universal Sustainable Development Goals: Understanding The Transformational Challenge For Developed Countries]