unep_china10 June 2015: A High-level Expert Panel of Chinese Government Officials and representatives of the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) adopted recommendations with regard to incorporating environmental and sustainable development objectives in China’s upcoming Five-Year Plan 2016-2020.

Jointly hosted by the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) and UNEP, the Panel discussed the outcomes of the annual CCICED round table meeting of experts, held on 18-19 May 2015. The Panel adopted recommendations in several areas, including: the use of the ecosystem approach to environmental management; the use of green technologies; the promotion of environmental economic policies, green finance, and sustainable investment and trade measures; and environmental conservation goals.

To support the Chinese transition towards a green economy, UNEP and Tongji University have launched a textbook titled ‘Green Economy: Theory, methods and cases from the United Nations’ perspective.’ The book provides an overview of green economy concepts tailored to the Chinese context. It uses Chinese examples and case-studies meant to assist policy makers and educate a new generation of university graduates on Green Economy concepts, methodologies and practical solutions.

In related news, UNEP and Xinhua News Agency have signed a memorandum of understanding outlining objectives for improved collaboration with regard to the promotion of environmental issues, including coverage of key UNEP events and publications, and joint activities, such as photo exhibitions to promote sound environmental practices and capacity building for environmental journalists.

CCICED is a high-level non-profit international advisory body of Chinese and international experts that studies and exchanges information regarding key environment and development issues in China. [UNEP Press Release: High-level Expert Panel] [UNEP Press Release: Book Launch] [UNEP Press Release: Collaboration with Xinhua] [Xinhua News Coverage] [Chinese Ministry of the Environment News Release on the 2015 CCICED Roundtable of Experts]