CBD15 June 2015: A notification by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat lays out the modalities and procedures for granting an award to parties that have made the most significant progress in establishing or further developing their national clearing-house mechanisms (CHM) between meetings of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the CBD.

Following a decision to grant a national CHM award at future COP meetings, the notification explains that gold, silver and bronze awards will be awarded in two categories: countries that have made the most progress in establishing their national CHM since the last COP meeting; and countries that have made the most progress in further developing their national CHM.

The notification also contains annexes laying out the criteria for evaluating progress, an overview of the role of the national CHM, and a questionnaire to determine the current status of a national CHM based on which progress is to be evaluated for the selection of the recipients of the award.

The document further calls upon donor countries to sponsor the award in order to financially reward the winners. [CBD Notification]