wmo-nrc17 June 2015: A Norwegian NGO and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) are partnering to increase the capacity of governments in Africa to address climate change, extreme weather events and variable rainfall. Under the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by WMO and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), experts will work with the national institutions of vulnerable countries to develop climate information and products and operationalize the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).

Under the agreement, the experts deployed, including meteorologists and hydrologists, will focus on building capacity to develop services like seasonal outlooks and drought monitors. They will also enhance farmers’ and other groups’ ability to access and understand this information in time to prepare. GCFS is concentrating on the priority areas of agriculture and food security, disaster risk reduction (DRR), water management, health and energy.

According to the MoU, NRC will also send experts to work in regional climate centers, enhancing human capacity and technical skills with a view to ensuring the impact of the project over the long-term. Emphasizing that extreme weather events induced by climate change can ultimately cause food scarcity, additional poverty, displacement and humanitarian crisis, NRC Secretary-General Jan Egeland highlighted that the WMO/NRC collaboration will help vulnerable groups “adapt and reduce the risk of their livelihoods being damaged.” [WMO Press Release] [NRC Press Release] [NRC Website]