unstats10 July 2015: The UN Statistics Division (UNStats) has circulated a note outlining the tentative timeline, work plan and organization of work of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goals Indicators (IAEG-SDGs). Also available is an updated version of the list of proposed global indicators for the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda.

According to the note, the IAEG-SDGs should submit the proposed global indicators on 30 November 2015 to the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC). Ahead of this, the timeline indicates: a first list of possible indicators to be finalized by 11 August 2015, and made available for inputs by IAEG-SDGs members and for open consultation to National Statistical Offices (NSOs), observers, Major Groups and other stakeholders by 4 September 2015; and an updated list of possible indicators to be circulated to all stakeholders by 21 September 2015, with a deadline for final comments on 15 October (ahead of the second meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, tentatively scheduled for 26-28 October).

The note clarifies the tasks of the two discussion streams established in accordance with the decision taken during the first IAEG-SDGs meeting, in June 2015, to set up two streams of work. It says that the first stream, on conceptual frameworks and indicator concepts and definitions, is to be facilitated by Mexico. Stream 1 will: review the concepts and definitions of the proposed indicators for global monitoring and recommend revisions if needed; review the relevance and adequacy of each indicator proposed; verify and match the indicator proposed against existing major indicator frameworks, including those developed at the regional level; develop a framework for the presentation and communication of the list of proposed indicators for global monitoring; and address the issue of data disaggregation, and other cross-cutting issues such as inequality and special groups. The second stream will be facilitated by France. Stream 2 will identify interlinkages across SDG goals and targets, with the purpose of reducing the total number of indicators, using text and scientific analysis.

The note also reports that an electronic discussion platform has been established for IAEG-SDGs members to conduct technical discussions related to these streams of work and to any additional topics that the group may wish to address. An additional forum has been created to allow observers to provide their inputs.

The document on the updated list of proposed global indicators for the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda (dated 7 July 2015) revises the first list of proposed indicators, which was made available on 29 May 2015, by incorporating all additional or updated inputs, comments or corrections received from agency experts at the first meeting of the IAEG-SDGs or immediately after. It states that: each indicator includes a rating based on three criteria (feasibility, suitability and relevance); the state of statistical development of the proposed indicators is mentioned but will need to be revisited as more complete information becomes available; and the presentation does not imply any judgment by the Secretariat on which indicators should eventually be selected.

According to the authors, this document provides a starting point for the deliberations of the IAEG-SDGs to identify the most appropriate indicators under the SDG goals and targets. [IAEG-SDGs Update] [Tentative Timeline, Workplan and Organization of Work] [IAEG-SDG Members] [Updated List of Proposed Global Indicators – 7 July 2015] [IISD RS Story on First Meeting] [IISD RS Story on Report of First Meeting]